Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Creativity Boot Camp: Day 10, Journaling

Today our assignment for journaling involved turning up our senses and EXPERIENCE everything!!! Then...
At the end of your day, think about the millions of sensations you experienced. Try to answer these questions…
  • Which ones stand out in your mind as being the most pleasant?
    Um... I think I shan't describe the *most* pleasant here, but diving into the lake was pleasant, walking along the rocks, feeling the raindrops hit me, but not too hard...
  • Were there any that were repulsive?
    None today that I noticed!
  • Did any bring back memories from your past?
    When we were walking along the rocks, Jacqueline & I were reminiscing and noting how the shore line had changed over the years since we first started coming...
  • Did any motivate you to do anything particular?
    Hmmm... the smell of different foods made me hungry & want to eat! I've been very hungry today!
  • Did any of these sensations inspire you in your creations?
    Not today. Fluid was inspired several days ago by the way my hair fell on the paper after swimming. I had soft mermaidenly curls that had such pretty colors...
  • If you were to try and capture creatively any of these sensations, how would you do it?
    Photographs for me are the epitome for capturing a moment. Even creatively. I just can't get paintings or drawings to the realism I want them to have...
Day 1: Ivory Painted Ganesh
Day 2: Picnic Ant ATC
Day 3: Multilayered, need to finish!
Day 4: Heavy Metal, is it done?
Day 5: Grow, redo that drawing! DONE (posted momentarily)
Day 6: Fluid, so started! DONE (posted momentarily)
Day 7: Fly, wait, didn't I just do this on a postcard?
Day 8: Ornament, no idea...
Day 9: Drizzle, hmmm...
Day 10: Full-Bodied, hmmm...
Day 11: July 14th
Day 12: July 15th
Day 13: July 16th

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