Sunday, June 25, 2023

Summer Mornings

Content Warning: Leggy bug close-up.

Sunday, June 18th, 6:04 p.m. - Momma rabbit feeding unseen babies

Last Sunday evening, as Jacqueline & I were watching TV, I watched this Eastern cottontail walk up close to the house and do a weird little stretch. I realized after a few minutes that she must be feeding babies! And yes, she has chosen to make a nest right near our house! So for the next few weeks we'll be avoiding mowing the area or otherwise disturbing the nest.

Monday, June 19th, 6:37 a.m.

This week was hot, but the mornings were still cool enough to wear my hoodie on our walks.

Tuesday, June 20th, 6:43 a.m.

I saw a Kentucky flat millipede, Apheloria virginiensis, in the yard. We often see the American giant milipede, Narceus americanus, but not usually this colorful variety.

Wednesday, June 21st, 6:40 a.m.

The solstice dawned just as beautifully as the rest of the week, and the birds have eaten all the cherries I could reach before they ripened.

Thursday, June 22nd, 6:40 a.m.

I've been waking up about an hour or so before my alarm goes off, but not feeling ready to get up, so getting back in bed and drowsing, but of course falling back into a deep sleep just in time for the alarm. It leaves me feeling groggy all day long. Maybe with the solstice past I'll be able to sleep more soundly.

Friday, June 23rd, 6:37 a.m.

Friday was grey, but it didn't rain much. Saturday was so rainy when we went to take our walk, that we decided it was best not to go. And although this morning was grey, the sun is now shining and I am hoping to get the pond set up!

Sunday, June 25th, 7:42 a.m.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Rainy Week of Walking

Monday, June 12th, 6:38 a.m.

This week has been cool and rainy.

Tuesday, June 13th, 6:36 a.m.

Which can create some lovely skies.

Thursday, June 15th, 6:40 a.m.

But it can also rain us out. (No walk on Wednesday morning. -_-)

Friday, June 16th, 6:42 a.m.

It's good for the plants and flowers though. (Can you see the wild roses climbing the pine tree?)

Saturday, June 17th, 7:12 a.m.

Yesterday was like being in a fairy tale.

Sunday, June 18th, 7:25 a.m.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Smokey Morning Walks

Monday, June 5th, 6:40 a.m.

This week started out a little overcast, but Tuesday dawned with a smoky haze.

Tuesday, June 6th, 6:38 a.m.

I didn't realize it was smoke at first, but we only walked to the end of the driveway, because there was a man walking on the street. (There's a whole lot more I can say about this but I think y'all understand.)

Wednesday, June 7th, 6:38 a.m.

The smoke on Wednesday morning was worse. So it was another just to the end of the driveway walk. The sky was so yellow and hazy that my camera kept compensating for it, even the pic I took of my yellow & orange marigolds is all washed out. 

Wednesday, 6:40 a.m. vs. Saturday, 7:19 a.m.

The air quality on Thursday was better. So we did our normal walk, but slower because we were definitely feeling the effects of the poor air quality of the last three days.

Thursday, June 8th, 6:40 a.m.

Friday there was a little color in the sky!

Friday, June 9th, 6:40 a.m.

Saturday was cloudy, but they looked cool and the day cleared up later.

Saturday, June 10th, 7:13 a.m.

Sunday had lovely cloud cover too.

Sunday, June 11th, 7:52 a.m.

Sunday, June 04, 2023

Weekly Morning Walks

Monday, May 29th, 6:48 a.m.

You may be looking at these photos, thinking I made a mistake and posted the same photo over & over again...

Tuesday, May 30th, 7:02 a.m.

...but if you look closely, you'll see the sun is higher up as the week goes on.

Wednesday, May 31st, 7:27 a.m.

This is because I managed to sleep a wee bit later during my time away from work.

Thursday, June 1st, 7:03 a.m.

But not too much later.

Friday, June 2nd, 7:17 a.m.

The heat let up on Saturday and the day started pretty hazy.

Saturday, June 3rd, 6:48 a.m.

And of course today was back to gorgeous sun, but nicely cooled off.

Sunday, June 4th, 7:39 a.m.


I took the last week off and celebrated after work last Friday with the first "picnic" of the season (Arby's take-out at Bullhead Point Pavilion on Lake Neatahwanta), and a little Pokémon Go, with my love.

Team Mystic for the win!

Saturday, we woke up at our usual weekday time, despite wanting to sleep later, and although we hit traffic delays from the Memorial Day parade and carnival -- and had to shop at the store that takes us the longest! -- we had everything done and were back home earlier than usual! I even had time to bake a tasty treat: Ultimate Pretzel-Crusted Peanut Butter Cookie Candy Brownie Bars to which I added Rolos and Dark Chocolate PB Thins instead of the regular PB cups. I do not recommend the Rolos, but the thins were perfect.

Misty Morning Sunrise

Sunday felt strange. Like it was still a regular weekend day, but I did so much! Most Sundays, I'm either resting or in some state of anxiety-induced inertia, but last week I did a lot of gardening, some painting, some organizing, and watched two movies! 

Marigolds in my new garden!

Monday was just as strange as Sunday. I did a little more gardening, sorted through my seeds, did a LOT of painting, but didn't *finish* anything. I went to bed feeling like I did a lot, but still felt bad because I didn't really accomplish anything. Productivity culture really messes with your head.

Cleaned up garden-to-be area

Tuesday saw more moving plants around, replanting them in new places, continuing on some art projects, and dinner out, courtesy of Jacqueline's sister & brother-in-law, after which we toured their gardens and brought home a leafy peony to add to our gardens!

BBQ Pit stone-fired pizza and a coconut mojito mocktail for me!

Wednesday was an arting day. I tried to do some gardening but it was far too hot once the sun got over the trees. I created two pieces for the final day of Mermay (you can see them on my Facebook), testing out the supplies from my last two Sketchboxes, and finished some pieces for a coworker that I've been working on for quite a while.

So many half-finished projects!

Thursday was another hot day. I got the peonies planted, with Jacqueline's help, before the sun got to high in the sky, and then spent much time in the house under fans. I took quite a bit of time researching  for yet another yard & garden project I hope to accomplish soon.

Radishes planted and surrounded by a protective ring of marigolds.
Tomatoes struggling in the heat after transplanting.

Friday, we did all our usual Saturday errands and the usual Friday night laundry. It was a full day, but we were still home well before dinner and I still have two days of vacation left!

The perfect unofficial start to the summer:
a mango pineapple coconut refresher and a free donut!

Saturday morning my beloved left for an overnight trip to see Ed Sheeran in Philadelphia. I am so happy she got to go! However, by Saturday night, I remembered one of the things she does best. She lets me hyperfocus, but reminds me to eat and take breaks. I spent so many hours gardening and taking care of houseplants, planting and watering, separating, repotting and potting up cuttings... It was almost 8 p.m. when I realized how long it had been since I last ate! I was glad to have gotten all that work done, as it really had been too hot earlier in the week, but wow did I not feel so good!

Buttercups! Not one of the plants I took care of,
just wild on the side of the road on our morning walk.

Today is the last day of my {stay}cation and my beloved will be home. I cleaned up all my messes from yesterday in both the front yard and in the kitchen and living room. I can't wait for her to come home and tell me everything. I could wait longer for the vacation to end, but tomorrow I return to work. *sadface*

One of the regulars at out feeder visited with me this morning.

If you've made it this far, woot! Thank you for reading! ♥