Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Kickin' It Old Skool Blog-A-Thon #25

Today Jamie and Shannon ask us:
Let's share a holiday tradition, memory or event!

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope today found you & yours in good health & spirits!

This morning we did our usual Christmas tradition. We woke up early and everyone (yes, everyone) opened their stockings as the others stumbled out of bed, got coffee, and got settled. Then we opened presents, each of us oohing & aahing at the other's gifts as they were opened. After opening presents we each took turns showering, eating breakfast, and getting ready to head to the Grandparents' for Christmas "dinner" which we have about lunchtime.

All the Grandkids (+2 Great Grandbabies!)

Click to embiggify!

Once everyone arrives, Grandma serves us the best meal (doesn't matter what she's serving, it's always delish) and then we have presents, littlest to oldest. Then we all sit around, kids playing with their new dolls, electronic gadgets, or toys, and the adults animatedly chatting with each other about anything & everything under the sun. Sadly we all leave before we're ready, vowing to get together more frequently, but realizing it likely won't be until Memorial Day again.

Once we get home, we're usually pretty tired and the rest of the evening is low-key. Leftovers heated up for dinner whenever we're hungry, some hot tea, sharing the day with our online friends... ~_^

How did you all celebrate?

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I love getting comments! They make blogging so worth it! So feel free to say anything you'd like.... And look! No silly Captcha or anything... ^_^