Thursday, September 04, 2008

Review: Dagoba Organic Chocolate

Since I watched the majority of Star Wars (Episode IV) just the other day, when I saw these chocolate bars at the natural foods store, I of course thought of Dagobah, where Yoda lived when Luke found him, and naturally decided to try some. Since Jacqueline was with me, we got two bars: Xocolatl (dark chocolate (74%), chilies & nibs (of cacao)), and Lime (dark chocolate (59%), lime & macadamia nuts). At $2.89 for a mere 2 oz. I was expecting these to be strong with the force... ^o^ ...BUT...

The Lime was disappointing. The macadamia nuts were only noticed because we could see them; their flavor & texture added nothing. The lime flavor was good, but to Jacqueline & I tasted just like the Ghiradelli Citrus Sunset Intense Dark chocolate bar, which one can buy for less than 2.50 in some places for a full 75% more. And they've got toffee pieces which add a nice little crunch...

1 ear up, 1 ear down...
This one could swing to the dark side at any moment...

The Xocolatl was good. Plenty of good chocolate flavor, little chewy bits (the nibs I assume), and after the chocolate goes down, a nice warm fire... Reminiscent of another brand chocolate bar, Lindt Creation 70% Dark Chocolate with Cherry & Chili, however, the Dagoba is a solid chocolate, while the Lindt is filled with a Cherry & Chili gel in the middle. The price is a wee bit cheaper for the Lindt, since you get more than 5 oz, but I much prefer the solid texture this time.

2 ears up!
The force is strong in this one...

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