Friday, March 28, 2008


Well. I am offended.

Apparently, this is a spam blog. PayPerPost won't approve it for me to write for them because it's not got enough personal posts of 3 sentences or more. And even Blogger itself is making me do those word verification things with every post I make, which is *very* annoying when I am editing posts and have to do it over & over & over again.

Yes, I have put advertising on this blog. We need more income and this is an easy way to do it. But I did *not* create this blog for the sole purpose of advertising. I created it so my friends who don't have LJs can read little bits of my life, so I can share my crafty things with them, and memes, and yes, when I try something new I like to write about it, I'm not getting money for it, or free product, but if you know how I can, please tell me!

But PPP claims my blog hasn't got enough original content, too much reposted from other sources, and implies I am only keeping it for advertising. But I checked; I went through all of my previous 87 posts: There are only 5 unpaid but lengthy product reviews written by me because I *like* to write that stuff, there are 16 posts that were copied and pasted from other sources that had less than 3 sentences of comments from myself, and there were 25 posts with less than 3 sentences no matter what they were. The rest were all posts with more than 3 sentences of original writing by me. Oh, and one poem written by me, which also apprently doesn't count either.

So, if we count this post, 41 of 88 posts are original content of more than 3 sentences. Of course, if the 5 unpaid reviews counted, it would be over half. But I guess this blog is more than half spam and you all should just stop reading it...

1 comment:

I love getting comments! They make blogging so worth it! So feel free to say anything you'd like.... And look! No silly Captcha or anything... ^_^