Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Random End of Year Rambling

This post brought to you by the Year 2009 and Gala Darling!

Gala posted a wonderful post the other day to help us all prepare ourselves for the upcoming New Year. Her first words of advice were to reflect on 2008, either by doing a silly meme (Oy! I already did!) or just by meditating on the past year and thinking of what you did and all the lessons you learned and how much you grew, which is what I've done for the past few years, that I call my Blessings and Accomplishments.

Before I get more into that, I will answer a few questions from a different survey that are more important I think than the ones I did before.

What did you do in 2008 that you’d never done before? I sold my art and made enough to make it through the summer without working. It wasn't easy but we did it. I started my Master's Program. Algebra was first, and it's horrid! >.< I take my final on Friday 4pm!

Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I didn't make any real resolutions last year. I posted a bunch of hopes, but they weren't anything I was really working hard for. I am glad that some of them became reality if not all...

What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008? Fiscal solvency. I feel like this is something I often wish for, resolve to figure out, whatever, but the one thing that year after year, since I first was on my own, I feel like I've never had.

So, what were my Blessings and Accomplishments for 2008? My blessings I've chronicled here for all to read. Over & over again, my partner, Jacqueline, the kids, and my cat, are on the list. Having a job, being healthy enough to go to work, the car still being running, having a place to live and plenty of food, and all the little things that make me happy... All are important blessings to me.

However, my accomplishments feel a little more nebulous. There were no graduations, no new jobs, no major milestones reached... *But* I *sold* my art, *I* sold *my* art, my *art* - and not just to a friend, or acquaintance - total strangers saw my art and liked it enough to buy it! And I made enough to scrape us through the summer... Of course, I couldn't have done it without Jacqueline & the kids' help, but we did it. And it was one of many things on my Life To-Do List! So YAY!

I also started my Master's program; I am far from done, but half the battle is getting started, eh?

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

So now that I've reflected on 2008, particularly the blessings I've received and accomplishments I've made - and yes, I have made mistakes, no life is complete without them - Gala says it's time to set some goals for 2009! So back in 2004, I went and found out the difference between resolutions and goals. According to, they are defined as follows:

res•o•lu•tion (rez-a-loo-shan) n.
  1. The state or quality of being resolute; firm determination.
  2. A resolving to do something.
  3. A course of action determined or decided on.
goal (gōl) n.
  1. The purpose toward which an endeavor is directed; an objective.
Therefore, resolutions are the actions that lead to goals. And I think most people would agree that you need have your goals Specific, Measurable, and Timed. ("I want to lose 25 pounds by May 31, 2009," instead of "I want to wear a bikini.") You also want to make your goals Reasonable or Realistic (If you are over 400 pounds, it's unlikely you are going to want to wear a bikini this year.) and Action-oriented. (What specifically are you going to do to get there?) This is known as the SMART method of setting goals.

There are some other things to remember when setting your goals using this method. You want them to be motivating, engaging, relevant, and highly valued to you. If you are deciding to lose weight because your boyfriend or mother says you should, not because you really want to, then you won't be very motivated to achieve the goal.

Also, you want to make sure your goals have room for correction and that you allow mistakes and move on from there. Don't give up, don't dwell on them, just say, well that didn't work, and move on. I don't know who said it (and the internet has it attributed to several different people) or exactly how it goes, but this is a good thing to keep in mind: "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." If you find yourself slipping off course, set yourself back *on* course again, and keep going! No beating yourself up! People make mistakes; it's the ones who keep going that really succeed!

Finally, those who believe in the Law of Attraction may want to use or include the SAFE method when setting their goals. I hadn't heard of this until researching the SMART method this evening, but it makes sense to me, who believes in the Power of Intent; it closely resembles the magical rituals we do as pagans. With the SAFE method, you See your goal, Accept it, Feel it with emotion, and Express it. (You can get more information on this method here.)

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

But what, you may be asking, are *your* resolutions and goals, Bunny? Well I'll tell ya...


I started researching this and writing this hoping that I would figure it out by the time I got here. Well before midnight on December 31st. But know what? It's far later than I had planned, and I still don't know. Not long ago I overhauled the little schedule and routine checklist I had for myself, but with my father's illness taking so much of my energy (yes, even not knowing and worrying takes my energy), I've let things slide off a lot more than I had planned. Even my Master's studies have slipped and I'm scheduled to take the final on Friday! Eeep!

So, here it is, less than 3 hours to the New Year, and I am still grasping. I could go back to my 43things list, but probably won't. I could look at the previous years' goals & resolutions, but will they still be relevant? I don't think so... I think, at this point, I am in no position to try to make resolutions or goals. Everything is up in the air until my father decides what he's going to do, and until that happens, I feel like my life is on hold. Obviously I need to continue working on my master's, keep working every day they call me, keep looking for a permanent position, and keep making art! But to work towards any other goals at this point, when the goals may suddenly become unattainable or irrelevant seems foolish and a waste of time & energy.

What do you think?

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

May peace break into your house and may thieves come to steal your debts.
May the pockets of your jeans become a magnet of $100 bills.
May love stick to your face like Vaseline and may laughter assault your lips!
May your clothes smell of success like smoking tires
and may happiness slap you across the face and may your tears be that of joy.
May the problems you had forget your home address!

In simple words...

May 2009 be the best year of your life!!!

New York's Times Square Ball Drop!

Wanting to watch the ball drop, but not going to be able to access a TV that's broadcasting it? This year's live webcam broadcast of the ball dropping in Times Square can be found at

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sunday Sharing, or What happened to my organization?

It's been a rough holiday season for me. I've been lucky enough to be working every day school is in, but my studies are falling behind, my dad is in ill health, my art is getting pushed back, and my organized Creation Stations have become disaster areas...

This is the kitchen table, taken on the 23rd:

And this is my desk tonight:

The only things that have changed is that the TV is back in the bedroom. Having the internet out the other day left me angsty to play something for distraction; so the TV is back in here with Zelda! ^-^

Like my new LCD wide screen monitor? I <3 it! It was a lovely gift from an old friend, along with a faster computer for Da Momma, and a cord for the laptop. The kids were also blessed with a Wii; so now everyone has an electronic device to play with and for the most part, we have no reason to argue...

We were also blessed with lots of nice new clothes for the kids, some much needed cash for us, a bundle of art supplies, and lots of love and good wishes...

So it's your turn now! Share with me the blessings you got this holiday season, or share an organizing tip! I need 'em!

January 2, 2009
Submitted this to

for the theme: DISORDER! XD

Friday, December 26, 2008

Product Review: Mo's Bacon Bar

Yes, you read correctly. I finally stumbled upon that glorious combination of quintessential foods: chocolate and bacon. While shopping in the Big City last Saturday, we happened to come across Mo's Bacon Bar by Vosges and we decided to spring for it. I couldn't wait to try it out. However, with a head cold I knew I'd have to wait if I wanted to experience every flavor nuance. So wait I did. Five whole days it sat there, taunting me. But today, I finally tried it. I was not disappointed. Of course, neither was I overly impressed. It was not worth the $5.99 I paid for it, but it was good. Worth paying more for than a Snicker's...

Enough blathering about the price, you say; get to the taste! Patience! As with anything worthwhile, you do not want to rush. No stuffing your mouth so full that you can hardly chew; you can't truly enjoy the flavors that way! After removing the sealed silver wrapping from the box and opening it, I noticed the smoky chocolate scent, like the leftover chocolate from s'mores around the bonfire the night before. Then I snapped off a square. It was a dark milk chocolate, and you could see little chunks (and big too in some cases) of bacon on the back.

Then I took a bite. The chocolate was sweet and rich (45% cacao), and there were snappy little crunches of applewood smoked bacon and Alder wood smoked salt that burst in my mouth almost like PopRocks! The smoky saltiness gave the chocolate a deeper, more well-rounded flavor, and I was sad when the last of it melted away off my tongue.

How does it stand up nutritionally? Well, this is a candy bar. 3 squares have 160 calories, 11g of fat, and 15g carbs. Not too terrible as a planned snack/dessert, but not to be randomly snacked on...

Overall, I give it...

Two Ears Up

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I have seen it and played with it before, but never so much as I did last night!

I was challenged by Gala Darling to create a Polyvore to show her what I'd like to wear on Christmas Day. Yes, it is for a contest, but I honestly don't care if I win...

So let me tell you about this... Since it was about what I'd *like* to wear, not what I *am* going to wear - because honestly, with all the driving in cold rainy snowy weather I am going to have to do, I'm going to dress sensibly and boringly - I imagined that I was spending the holiday in a more urban, slightly more southerly clime, like NYC. Although, even that may not be south enough this year... Think still a little snow around to make things festive, cold enough to want gloves to keep your fingers warm and be comfortable in a fashionable bunny-eared hat & scarf, but not so cold that you need a coat (just a warm sweater) or that your legs freeze wearing a skirt. (And yes, I am well aware that that skirt is a school uniform and that it doesn't even *come* in a plaid like that, but if that skirt in the picture existed, I would wear it.)

So I would bundle myself up all cute-like, and I & the one(s) I love would go exploring the city, looking at the holiday displays, chatting and taking pics of whatever caught our eye... Of course, we would be on the constant look out for mistletoe wherever we could find it, just for opportunity to kiss. (Hence the Burt's Bees!)

The bag? Well, even if the best gifts aren't under the tree, I still hope there'd be some I need to carry home, besides how am I going to carry my warm fuzzy bunny slippers? I'll need them to warm my toes once we got to wherever we're going and I take off my boots...

So...what would you want to wear on Christmas day? Link me to your Polyvore!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

TiLT: Things I Love Thursday

people liking my art
bunny holiday lights
new music that makes me want to dance
hot Vanilla Maple tea
chocolate-covered marzipan
fuzzy kittehs
makin' sales at Faerie Garden Fancies

As always, from

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Quote of the Day

And after we have shown each other how we have set and kept the clear, healthy boundaries that help us live side by side with each other, let us risk remembering that we never stop silently loving those we once loved out loud.
~Oriah Mountain Dreamer


I got some! I never have! I click on all my friends' eggs and there never are any when I go...

But look! I got some! ^_^

Adopt one today! Adopt one today!

Clicky-clicky, s'il vous plaît!

Christmas Traditions Revised

One of the Christmas traditions in my family has always been to make tons of Christmas cookies: decadent pecan-chocolate chip cookies, silly snickerdoodles, sinfully yummy rumballs, creative cut-outs, and one of my favorites, jolly gingersnaps, made soft and rolled in sugar for that magical holiday touch. However, since I am now trying to control my diabetes with diet and exercise alone, I need to find healthier alternatives to carbolicious cookies! One way to do this is to use whole wheat flour which is lower on the glycemic index than regular flour. Now before you start complaining how yucky the cookies made that way are, let me share a recipe with you that I like better than the original. You give it a try and see if you don't agree they are fabulous!

Gingerbread Cookies
  • ¾ cup butter

  • 1 cup sugar

  • 1 egg

  • 1 T water

  • ¼ cup molasses

  • 2 ¼ cups whole wheat flour

  • 2t ginger

  • 1t baking soda

  • ¾t cinnamon

  • ½ t cloves

  • 2T sugar
Cream together butter and 1 c. sugar with electric mixer. Add egg, water, and molasses and continue mixing until well mixed. Add remaining ingredients (except for the 2T sugar) and mix until well combined. Shape the dough into balls about the size of a walnut. Roll in the 2T sugar. Put on an ungreased cookie sheet about 2 inches apart. Bake cookies for 9 to 10 minutes at 350F. Allow them to cool on the pan for about 5 minutes before removing. This recipe will make approx. 2 dozen cookies.

Friday, December 12, 2008

TiLT: Better Late than Never!

My Kitty, BunnyHoliday Accessories
My Kitty, Bunny

Holiday Accessories

Presents from FriendsUnexpected Art Supplies from Friends
Presents from Friends
Thank you!

Unexpected Art Supplies from Friends
Thank you!

Children's DrawingsHoliday Wishes from my students
Children's Drawings

Holiday Wishes from my students

My Worry RockMy Favorite Bella Sera Cards
My Worry Rock

My Favorite Bella Sera Cards

Christmas Cookies...on Christmas Plates!
Christmas Cookies...on Christmas Plates!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

EtsyBlogger of the Month: Spotted Cow Soaps

A long time ago I used normal name brand soap, like Zest or Irish Spring, then I decided I wanted something that smelled more interesting, and started using Bee & Flower's Sandalwood soap. The only place I could ever find it was at Wegman's in their Nature's Marketplace. However, Wegman's is so far away, and now, they've raised the price of the soap; so I've been on the look out for other "more interesting" soaps. I was not disappointed when I found out who this month's Featured EtsyBlogger was.

From soaps and lotions to fizzies and scrubs, Spotted Cow Soaps has it all! Beautiful glycerin soaps and luxurious cold-processed soaps in a wonderful assortment of scents, with coordinating lotions and bath fizzies for some. But my absolute favorite are the scrubs! How can you say no to these?

Also on her blog, she's got a give-away going on for when she gets her 500th sale! She is *so* close! And you could win a Gingerbread Dreams Collection, which includes that fabulous scrub pictured above, with coordinating bar soap, whipped soap, and bath fizzies!

Go enter! And check out her shop while you're at it!

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Monday, December 01, 2008

Monday Sun Day!

Yes we had SUN today! YAY! It was a lovely sight after so many grey cloudy days, but was so bright that it hurt my eyes on the way to work!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Product Review: Wonka Tinglerz

Who remembers Pop Rocks? I love those things! Little explosions in your mouth, bursting between your teeth, and sizzling on your tongue... Only trouble is they get stuck in your teeth too, which isn't so fun, unless you like the explosions to still be going on 5 minutes later as the candy slowly dissolves...

But look what I have discovered:
Wonka Tinglerz
Wonka Tinglerz
How cool is that? Look at that awesome purple packaging! SHINY! ^-^

But let's open it up and try it... Wait... What?
Tear Quickly ... ???
Tear Quickly ... ???
What happens if I don't??? Anyway, I opened carefully, not *quickly* because if I "Tear Quickly" I'll scatter little Tinglerz all over the house... :P

Quite a bit of size variance...
Quite a bit of variance...
I hope their good!

These are awesome! They're like those Nestlé's Buncha Crunch with Pop Rocks added!

Oh the fun!

Chocolatey goodness, rice crispy crunchies, and the bursting when you bite them, and sizzling on your tongue...

Oh... but here comes the Nutrition Facts...

A 1 oz bag is 1 serving, with 130 calories, 7 grams of fat, and 19 grams of carbs. These are actually not too bad for me! The carbs are within the range for a snack, and the calories are *too* high. Not something I'd be noshing on everyday, but they're a nice little treat!

I give them...

Two Ears Up!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Photo Friday

This week's challenge is Black...


I could decide which was better; so you get two for the price of one!

Check out the others:

Thursday, November 27, 2008

TiLT: Things I Love Thursday

Today, here in the US, it is Thanksgiving. A day to celebrate all we are thankful for, and what better way than by listing a few of my favorite things... *starts singing* When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I'm feeling sad, I simply remember - wait... sorry... where was I? *ahem* Ah! Yes, my favorite things... Things I Love!

I love that my girlfriend lets me sleep in on days like today. She gets up early, showers, then gets all the kids up and showered, before waking me...

I love coffee with chocolate in it. Our coffee maker broke and Ant can't fix it, but my girlfriend has figured out how to make coffee with it anyway, and still manages to make me a cup even if it takes her 45 minutes...

Copper. The copper wire I have is so pretty! I have made such pretty jewelry with it and that bracelet just blows me away! I can't wait to get more, so I can make more chainmaille jewelry!

Playing with clay. Yes I make stuff to sell, but it's fun and I wouldn't give it up even if I wanted to...

I love that my girlfriend loves me even when I am difficult and stubborn and contrary.

My kitty, Bunny, I am sure I've said that one before, but it's true. I love her so much and am so grateful she is still with me...

My friends... I can call them any time and I know they'll be there to help me anyway they can...

So what are the things you love?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Meme

Do you cook all or part of the meal? Sometimes I make something, but not in a long time...

How much do you spend buying groceries for the meal? Nothing.

Do you eat at home or go to someone else’s? Make the rounds to all the families...

Describe your perfect bite? dark meat turkey with a little stuffing and gravy and cranberry jelly (canned!)

White meat or dark? Dark

Stuffing with giblets or without? Giblets go in the gravy or the cat's dish

Anything you won’t eat at the Thanksgiving meal? I'll try anything once...

Carve Mr. Gobble at the table or serve on a platter? Doesn't matter to me, probably more convenient to carve in the kitchen and serve on a platter

Favorite pie? Pecan

Formal table or Chinet? I formal is tradition, but buffet style is ok too

Your menu: Um... If I were cooking, there would be turkey of course, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, stuffing, gravy, canned cranberry jelly, Jacqueline's homemade cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, chai tea, holiday spiced coffee, gingerbread with real whipped cream...

Favorite leftover? turkey breast meat, iceberg lettuce, canned cranberry jelly, mayo, salt & pepper, on white bread, cut diagonally... YUM!

Extended family, friends, both or just the immediate family for dinner? Anyone who wants to come!

Do you dress up a bit or just dress casual? Dress up a bit, but casual is ok

After dinner, do you go to the latest movie or watch football on TV or just a turkey induced snooze? I'd love to go see a movie, but I never have, usually someone's watching TV of some sort, or snoozing (or both), and I wander about having conversations til we have to depart for the next relative...

Do you watch the Macy’s Parade? Sometimes if it's on

Christmas decorations up before or after? I think I like a *few* up before, but mostly after

Black Friday shopping or sleep in? OMG why put myself through the stress! It's a day off, I'm not getting out of bed til I am ready.

Any special Thanksgiving tradition? At Jacqueline's parents' we go around the table and tell what we're thankful for... I love that!

Favorite thing about Thanksgiving? Good food and family!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Pillsbury Give-Away!

Oh yummers! Meghan is giving away good stuff on her blog!

Hop on over to Meghan's Mindless Muttering and check out the basket of goodies she's giving away! It's got a coupon for crescent rolls, a magnetic coupon holder, a mouse pad, pot holders, a cookie sheet, and a cute Pillsbury Doughboy figurine (we used to have one when I was growing up), and it all comes in a bread basket!

I hope I win!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday Sharing

I got this in an email the other day. Obviously someone had forgotten (thank you!) I am now diabetic and should not hold the secrets to cake in 3 minutes (omg yum!)... But now I do, and thus, so I don't take this to my grave with me (all the more closer now), I must share....

The Most Dangerous Cake Recipe In The World:
Chocolate Cake-In-A-Mug

Use a 10 oz., 11 oz. or 12 oz. coffee mug. Recipe is designed for a 1000 watt microwave oven. If your oven is less, say 700 watts, bake a few seconds longer. If your oven is more, say 1100 watts, bake a few seconds less.

4 Tbsp cake flour (plain, not self-rising, not cake mix)
4 Tbsp sugar
2 Tbsp cocoa
1 small or medium egg
3 Tbsp milk (any kind you like)
3 Tbsp oil
1 small splash of vanilla
3 Tbsp chocolate chips (optional)
  1. Add dry ingredients to mug, mix well with a table fork.

  2. Add egg, mix thoroughly with a teaspoon.

  3. Pour in milk, oil and vanilla, mix well.

  4. Add chips, if using. Mix in.

  5. Put the mug into the microwave oven and bake for 3 minutes on high.

  6. The cake may rise above the top of the mug. Don't be alarmed by this.

  7. Allow it to cool a little, then tip it onto a plate.

  8. Eat and enjoy! Makes one good serving or two smaller servings.
Toppings: You may eat it as is or put a little topping on it. Suggestions - a little bit of any of the following: chocolate syrup, whipped topping, whipped cream, ice cream, crushed pineapple taken by fork from either pineapple juice or sugar syrup, honey. Use your imagination.

  • You may have to experiment a little with this one.

  • Measure everything accurately. You may want to use less sugar. Add cake flour in the same amount as the sugar you don't use.

  • Mix thoroughly. Scrape the bottom and the round edge at the bottom of the cup with the spoon. The dry ingredients have a tendency to stick there.

  • The cake may not come out as a perfect cylinder.

And WHY is this the most dangerous cake recipe in the world? Because, now we are all only five minutes away from chocolate cake at any time of day or night!!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Esty Bloggers are having a sale!

I'll be participating by offering free shipping! Lots of great deals though, so be sure to check them out! ^-^ Happy holidays everyone!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Peppermint ice cream
Robin Williams
Blue skies and sun on the snow
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Lists and schedules organized by color
The kids' drawings
Crows in the snow

Look what I made!

Inspired by this necklace by the talented chain maille artist Janine, of Athena's Armory, I decided to try my hand at making some chain maille jewelry. Couldn't start with something simple - no - I went straight to the Byzantine Chain, which actually is pretty easy & fun! And didn't take me forever like I thought it would!

Byzantine Chain
Byzantine Chain
Hook Closure
Hook Closure

No, it's not perfect. There are tool marks and not all the links are perfectly round, and it's pretty loose, not all tight like Janine's, but I don't have all the perfect tools and it's my first try! I love it! ^-^

Now, I just need to get some of those fancy peg board thingies for making this stuff... Oh and more fancy wire!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Winter has arrived at Faerie Gardens...

We had a dusting sometime in the past few weeks, but it melted so fast we didn't even get pics... (Although a few days later there was still a bit of snow in the crevice of our Adirondack chair which is pretty well shaded most of the day.) This time however, I think we'll have a while to get some pics, but just in case...

About 6:30 last night...

Note the size difference in those flakes coming down...

This AM
This AM
And it was still snowing!!!!

They should have *at least* had a delay for schools this morning, but no... I drove to work in a BLIZZARD!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

TiLT: Things I Love Thursday

It hardly feels like a week has gone by, since I last posted this...

♥ Back rubs
♥ Chocolate brownies
♥ Purring kitties
♥ Drawing
♥ Iridescent purple sparkles

Brought to you by Gala Darling...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Picture?

From Gala Darling...

Take a photo of yourself looking really, really happy. Show me!

Mine - not recent, but it is pure joy in that one...

Click the link above for more from Gala! She rocks!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Thanksgiving Traditions

For me, Thanksgiving has *always* been about family. From my childhood, when all the cousins would crowd around my grandmother's table laughing & eating, through my teens and twenties, when I'd make the rounds from boyfriend's family to mom's and then dad's, nothing means more to me than spending the holiday with family.

Christmas Day 1955
Christmas 1955
Not technically Thanksgiving, and not one I was present for
(my dad's the young man just left of center in the back),
but definitely just like Thanksgiving when I was a child...

When I first got married in my late 20s, our first Thanksgiving almost didn't happen; my husband was hospitalized less than 2 weeks earlier with severe pancreatitis and very nearly died. Another year, he took me over the road (he was a trucker), and we spent Thanksgiving at a cheap diner somewhere near Normal - Illinois that is... LOL! Others were spent either at his parents' tiny apartment, which was packed full to overflowing with aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and even great grandchildren, or at my mom's with family and close friends.

The Family at Mom's
Thanksgiving 2003 at my mother's

In recent years, the face of my family has changed, and now I spend my Thanksgiving with gaggle of giggling gift-children and my beautiful girlfriend, as we have an early feast at her mom and dad's with her brother and sister and their families, and then a second meal at my mom's with aunts and uncles, new friends and people who have been in our lives for decades.

Thanksgiving 2004
Thanksgiving 2004 at Jacqueline's mom's

Over the years, the faces around me may have changed, the places may have been minutes or hours away, and the food on the table may have been turkey with all the trimmings or a poorly made BBQ pork sandwich and fries, but the one tradition that has remained constant has been that I have surrounded myself with the people that I call my family, whether by blood or marriage, time or emotion.

Etsy Blogger of the Month

This month, the Etsy Blogger of the Month is someone already on my favorites! ^-^

The StoryBeader, also known as Deborah Baroff, creates beautiful one-of-a-kind pieces, made of the prettiest assortment of gemstones and more, and what's even better is that each piece comes with its own haiku!

This is my favorite:
He got down on his
Right knee and presented the
Princess with a ring.

~Deborah Baroff, storybeader

And if you visit her blog, Stroll Through Storyland, you get to see what she's working on, like this necklace to showcase a very pretty lampwork bead. I can't wait to see the finally product!

New Features!

Thanksgiving is coming up here in the US... That means fall feasts and treats galore!

Any of these would make the perfect accessory to your Autumnal activities! Check them out!

Monday Bunday

OMG teh kyoot! ^-^

I wish I could claim this as mine, but it's not...

Friday, November 07, 2008


"Life is not a war, it's a dance. The word 'uni-verse' means 'one song'. All we have to do is to sing and dance along."

Thursday, November 06, 2008

TiLT: Things I Love Thursday

Brought to you by Gala Darling...

I've no idea how I found this woman's blog, but she is the ultimate cool chick. I want to have just one iota of her daring, her style, her joie-de-vivre... It would be wonderful! So because I am feeling a bit weepy today, and want to lift my spirits, here is my TiLT list:

♥ My girlfriend's hair, it falls in the softest prettiest coppery curls
♥ Lia's hugs
♥ My candy box (with or without the candy)
♥ Painting & playing with clay
♥ Road trips in a nice vehicle
♥ Reading a good book
♥ Curling on the sofa under a blanket with a kitty on my lap
♥ The sound of the kids laughing & singing & playing

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

New Items over on the Etsy

Better late than never! Time got away from me before Halloween and some of my holiday-themed stuff didn't make it up til today. Definitely still worth buying in my opinion though... Some of them would look great all year 'round!

Please take a look and pass the link on! Thanks!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Decide to Decide.

A weekly quick tip from Simplify 101... My comments in purple!

How much of the clutter in your home is the result of indecision? Not sure? Here’s an example.

A flyer comes home in the mail announcing an upcoming event. You hold onto it because you may want to go…but you don’t really decide if you will go or not. So the indecision known as the flyer sits on your counter for a few days until it is buried by the next few rounds of indecision. Should I go on this field trip? Should I use this coupon? Should I donate to this cause? It’s a good organization…I probably should…but I don’t know. I’ll decide later.

And on and on it goes.

I know this is especially true for me. I think I have a box from 1999 under my desk right now, that represents my indecision from back then. I packed it up when we moved, on more than one occasion, and although I *do* unpack some of it, most of it goes back in the box to deal with later. Mostly craft projects to do at a later date, but I have some of those from when I was in ELEMENTARY school!

A key strategy to cutting through this clutter is deciding to decide. Certainly not every decision can be made the minute it lands in your mailbox or on your kitchen counter…but which ones can? I bet it’s a lot of them.

Decide to decide on everything that you can decide on NOW and you’ll dramatically reduce your clutter. Part of the reason our clutter feels stressful is that it represents lingering indecision. When you decide to decide, you free yourself from both clutter and the stress that goes along with it.

Do you know how hard that is for me? But I shall try! ^-^

Hey, speaking of decisions, did ya vote?

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Daily Guru

This is actually from a while ago, but I saved it because it's really important for me to remember...

Recognize your memories as fragmentary mental images. Do not limit yourself by believing these pictures can capture the Essence of who and what you really are.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Daily Guru

Suffering arises
when we long for
our experience to be
something other than
what it is.

Satisfaction arises
when we savour
the richness of
our experience
as it is.

Full acceptance
of whatever is arising
in this moment
is pure and absolute

You can subscribe too: The Daily Guru

Monday, October 27, 2008

Etsy Contest

If anyone wants to vote for me, I'd be much obliged... ^-^

Contest info:

Post with the entries listed:

Muchas gracias, mi amigos!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Autumnal Inspiration

If the *Greenman* is made of leaves, wouldn't his colors change in the fall too?

That was what I was thinking when I made this piece:

My inspiration is my own front yard:

Available on Etsy:

Friday, October 17, 2008

Book Meme!

Hardback or paperback? This is always a hard decision. I like hardback books best, but since I read in bed mostly with the book propped on my chest, sometimes paperback isn't so uncomfortable, and then there's the whole stuffing it in your purse; paperbacks are better for that too...

Amazon or bookshop? Amazon, because I can find exactly what I want, but bookshops are nice to browse every once in a while, if we have spare money...

Bookmark or dog-ear? Bookmark where I am, dog-ear pages with good quotes or words to look up...

Keep, throw away or sell? Keep if I am going to want to read it again, NEVER throw away, sell if it's in good condition and you think someone will buy it, or release it! However, since 90% of the books I read are library books, mostly all I do is renew then return...

Keep bookjacket or throw it away? I hate book jackets when I am reading, even the plastic-covered, glued-on ones from the library drive me batty. However some of them have lovely art, and I do like them while they're on the shelf; so if it's a book I own, I usually keep it but take it off while I read it.

Read with bookjacket or without? See above.

Short story or novel? Depends on my mood and level of concentration.

Harry Potter or Lemony Snicket? Both! Or Xanth... :P

Stop reading when you're tired or after finishing a chapter? Finish chapter, or two, or three, or more... Unless I absolutely cannot keep my eyes open another moment...

“The night was cold and stormy” or “Once upon a time”? Once upon a time!

Buy or borrow? Mostly borrow because we's po'...

New or used? Doesn't matter so long as it doesn't smell musty, musty moldy smelling books make me gag...

Deciding what you buy: bestseller list, reviews, recommendations...? Recommendations, read other works by author, inside cover flap sounds good...

Closed end or Cliffhanger? CLOSED END! OMG I hate cliffhangers!!! Especially when I don't have the next book!!!

Do you read in the morning, at noon or at night? Mostly right before bed, but some lazy days I'll read before getting up, and if I've got a great book I'll read in the afternoon, but I also read on my lunch break at school and anytime I have a free moment.

Odd volume or series? I like the "odd volume" that you can read and be done with, but series are fun too, like revisiting friends.

Fave series? Piers Anthony's Xanth is my absolute favorite series ever ever ever!!!

Fave book of the ones you read last year? Can't pick just one... How about top 5 in no particular order: Night Flying, by Rita Murphy; The Notebook, by Nicholas Sparks; Risking it All, by Heather Ingram; Mama had a Dancing Heart, by Libba Grey; Touching Spirit Bear, by Ben Mikaelsen; and Wildwood Dancing, by Juliet Marillier. Yeah I know, I gave ya 6... Oh well! ^_^

What book are you currently reading? Ophelia, by Lisa Klein

Fave book of all time? Change, by Ann Maxwell

Fave authors? Piers Anthony, and a bunch of others I can never remember til I'm halfway through another book and go, "Oh hey! This person wrote... too!"

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sick Kitteh Needs Help!

Please, poor Avalon is in bad shape; if you can help out by purchasing something at Helen Krummenacker's Etsy, she's offering 40% everything just to help offset the vet bills... They're steadily climbing over their heads and the poor dear may need to be put to sleep after all... -_- Even if you can't afford anything, please, at least send them lots of good wishes and healing vibes!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Meet Rowan Redleaf!

She has been finished and is now up for sale on Etsy! ^_^

You can go see more of her as a work in progress at deviantArt...

Etsy Blogger of the Month

The October Etsy Blogger of the Month is Jen (the Mama) of Mama's Magic Studio! She has two wonderful shops over at Etsy.

The first is Baby Friendly Beads where you can find the prettiest selection of nursing necklaces and bracelets. My favorite is the Chocolate Pink Baby Friendly Beads Nursing Necklace.

Her other shop is Mama's Magic Studio which contains a small collection of beaded dragonsflies and fraternal earrings. Yes, fraternal earrings! "Like fraternal twins... not identical, but definitely a pair!" My favorite is the Autumnal Fraternal Earrings.

Go check out all the other great stuff she has! Tell her BunnyKissd sent you! ^_^