The Best of 2009 Blog Challenge
December 14 Rush. When did you get your best rush of the year?
This one was hard for me and I had to read a lot of other people's entries before I could figure out what *my* best rush of the year was...
Was it going to NYC? No, we had a lot of fun, but the driving made it too stressful to be a rush. Was it ARGH? Same thing, tons of fun, but the crazy roads stressed me out too much to make it a rush. So I thought and read some more...
Jacqueline suggested the first dive into the lake (in May she said, but we all know I didn't get in til JULY practically), and that was indeed a rush, but was it the *best*...??? No, I can't say it was.
First kisses? Um... none this year.
Meeting my grandson Benji? Giving him a bottle for the first time? Making him giggle? All awesome wondrous marvelous things to me, but not *rush* producing moments...
Getting the car fixed all right & proper? Hmmmm... close, but no.
I think the BEST RUSH for me was getting my new camera. Crazy, no big deal to some, maybe a little materialistic, but I had a lot of emotional attachments to my old camera which died before its time, and I have been very sad, and without a good camera, for a long time. Jacqueline & I researched all kinds of cameras, and looked for the perfect camera for me in our price range, and I really couldn't be happier...
I've had her for several months now, and I still am discovering new things and learning all the settings. There is rarely a day that goes by without me taking some kind of pictures, and I am frequently thanking Jacqueline for encouraging me to get it, helping me find the means, and researching so many different brands and features...
I <3 my camera...
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