Monday, October 12, 2009

October Blog Party!

Do something holiday related everyday the month of October and blog about it. You do not have to blog everyday, just chronicle what you've been doing on each day when time permits.

Here's the list update: Now with pictures!
  1. Started to gather surprizes for my Samhain swap partner and a few other friends...

  2. Watched The Corpse Bride

  3. Watched Cat People (1980s version)

  4. Cleaned off my altar and made it Samhain-ready!

  5. Added a spooky friend to my keyboard

  6. Made a bunch of candy wrapper bracelets (while doing scary chemistry!)

  7. Watched the crows fight the wind

  8. Started a seasonal picture

  9. Found beauty in a rainy day

  10. Enjoyed a brisk day at the beach

  11. Took a drive through the Pennsylvanian country-side and enjoyed the peak colors

  12. Roughed out a haunted house for a Halloween Advent calendar

  13. Oh

  14. em

  15. gee!

  16. What

  17. festive

  18. Seasonal

  19. things

  20. will

  21. I

  22. do

  23. next?

  24. So

  25. much

  26. of

  27. the

  28. month

  29. is

  30. left!

  31. Halloween!

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