Thursday, February 12, 2009

One World One Heart Winners

Today is the day! I had *way* more comments than I thought, and surfed so many wonderful blogs! No, not all 911, but a LOT! There were plenty I added to my Following list because they were Just. That. Cool.

But enough about me! *You* want to know who the lucky winners are! I have used to select two Random Numbers and those numbers are...

Christy A., of Sweet Tidings won the little bunny, and Connie of Chetta Cheese Chatter has won the rose heart! As soon as I have a mailing address for them their packages will be on the way!

Congratulations to all the other winners out there!

1 comment:

I love getting comments! They make blogging so worth it! So feel free to say anything you'd like.... And look! No silly Captcha or anything... ^_^