Sunday, April 27, 2014

52-Week Photo Challenge: Week 35

Hello, my fellow creative photographers! Welcome to another week in my 52-Week Photo Challenge!

This week's challenge is: FIVE

Make FIVE the focal point of your photo or have FIVE be the overall theme in your photo. Or do something creative & interpret the challenge another way!

This week's challenge gave me a bit of trouble. I had expected that by this time we would have flowers in our yard, as we usually do, and that I could capture a group of 5 flowers or a flower with 5 petals, but our yard has just barely thawed and we've only got a few shoots and one tulip bud. -_-

So this morning, when our bunny friend came to visit, I created a mosaic using 5 of the quadrillion photos I took, and even played around with my camera settings a bit:

Click to embiggen!
This evening I did another photo walk around the yard, and did discover some early strawberries in bloom! I've posted my favorite of those in the comments on Flickr; feel free to let me know which you like better: the bunny or the flower! I'd love your critiques!

P.S. If you're wondering if our flickr group is still open, it *is* and you are more than welcome to post your photos for the challenges there whenever you'd like! However, I have discontinued the reminder emails.


  1. Hey Bun-Bun! I don't know how these these things escape me but they do. I just found this rather ambicious photo challenge and decided to jump in. I'm gonna make sure I do the one for each week and for every day I have left over for each week, I'll also start m moving backward. I love photo challenges --and ones like this especially. Let me know if I suck. LOL!

    Lots of Bunny hugs and Bunny kisses!
    MJ Bramble,
    (The Steamer)

    1. I am sure you don't suck MJ! Feel free to add your photos to the Flickr group and post there daily if you'd like! ( I'd LOVE to see your take on the prompts!


I love getting comments! They make blogging so worth it! So feel free to say anything you'd like.... And look! No silly Captcha or anything... ^_^