Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Happy Organize Your Home Office Day!

Yes that's right today is Organize Your Home Office Day. It's celebrated on the second Tuesday in March, and what would be the best way to celebrate? Why, organizing your home office of course! So here I am... sitting at my desk... and this is what I see...

On my left...

On my right...

The whole thing...

Do you see that plate?

Yeah this one...

See what's in it?

Yeah, those are the remnants from Esme's birthday gift...

And other bits of things...

They've been there since the end of JANUARY! And somewhere under all that is a list of things to get done, and probably a bill or two I've forgotten to pay... And on my right are CDs of pics that I've been meaning to go through and pull some to print... :::le sigh:::

I won't even get into the mess of things at my art table...

So what are you doing today?


  1. Well, I think I may be making some mini-quiches...but you never know! I don't really have a home office so I won't be doing that!

  2. I dont want to clean my home office. AT ALL :) it looks a little like yours.

  3. Have you been sneaking a peek at my desk? ;D Oddly enough 99% of the time I know where things are though.

  4. I knew there was something I should have been doing today! Thanks;0)

  5. OMG HK MOUSEPAD!!! *wants* I really need a new one...mine is one I custom made a long long time ago with a poem from the ex-husband on it...and I have STILL not gotten a new one because I *never* think about it when I'm somewhere they sell them!!


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