Sunday, July 27, 2014

52-Week Photo Challenge: Week 48

Hello, my fellow creative photographers!

Welcome to another week in my 52-Week Photo Challenge!

This week's challenge is: SEVEN

Take a look around you for things to represent SEVEN, a street sign, address numbers, or maybe a group of seven items...?

Here's mine:
Click to embiggen!
I'll admit that I spent more than just one week trying to get a photo for this challenge. It was not easy! I had resigned myself to finding a nice sign or interesting number or something similar, but when I saw the seagulls lining up along the roof yesterday, I thought they would be perfect! If only there were 7 of them!

It took a while for them to rearrange themselves enough times before there were 7 all lined up along the peak, but I am so glad I waited patiently and ignore the weird looks from passers-by. ^_^

Don't forget that I'm still looking for your suggestions for challenge topics!

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