Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Weekly Update

  • Daily DAREs:
    1. I will water my verbs on Memrise and practice my skills on Duolingo once a day.
      I have done great on this this past week and last night Jacqueline decided to join me doing French!  Yay!
    2. I will complete the creation of one rabbit per day in any form and work on creating anything else I want. :P
      Well, I've not been making a rabbit every day, but I have been creating everyday, and I did spend a few days on my little fashion model bunny.

  • Weekly DAREs:
    1. I will try one thing from one of my 2 new books.
      Well, I waited again until late last night.  I think this week I'll try for something a little earlier...
    2. I will find one new way to improve my art sales and implement it!
      This week I put off doing so many of the things I wanted to because I spent much of my time fighting with an uncooperative computer.  The hard drive is slowly dying, and moving & deleting files, between crashes and rebooting, has been a priority.  I wanted to get some prints up on Etsy, but being unable to scan & upload easily has delayed the process.  Hopefully I can get those up this week.

  • This is pretty much how I've felt this week:
    a melted exclamation point of color(ful language) on the hot sidewalk...

    Img Src

  • Month of July DAREs:
    1. I will determine where the local shows are (farmer's markets, art associations, craft fairs...) and how to join them (forms, fees, etc.).
      No progress made this week. :(
    2. I will submit substitute teaching applications to the local districts for which I am not yet working.
      No progress made this week.  :(

  • Big 2013 DAREs:
    1. I will continue to work on my 12x12 Project, even if I feel I won't finished by the end of the year.
      No progress made this week.  :(
    2. I will continue to try to find ways to make $1000 a month.
      No progress made this week.  :(

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