Sunday, November 04, 2012

Zombie Madness

Halloween has passed, as has La Dia de los Muertos, but zombies and zombie movies are always in vogue nowadays, so I was not surprised by aquariann's choice for her autumn blog hop...

aquariann's Zombie Blog Hop

That's right!  A ZOMBIE blog hop!  I don't often choose the macabre as a subject matter, but every once in a while inspiration pulls me that way and I wind up with something like this...

Undead Mermaid ACEO

Or maybe it's a challenge that motivates me to reach outside my comfort zone, and come up with something like this...

Magical Menagerie Pendant - Zombie Bunny Rabbit

But whatever the reason, a muse, a challenge, or the season, zombie art is always fun to play around with... 

Don't forget to check out all the other Blog Hop posts for more Zombie goodness!

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I love getting comments! They make blogging so worth it! So feel free to say anything you'd like.... And look! No silly Captcha or anything... ^_^