Sunday, December 15, 2024

Bonus Poems

I was also amused by these two poems:

Duty of the Student
Edward Anthony

It is the duty of the student
Without exception to be prudent.
If smarter than his teacher, tact
Demands that he conceal the fact.

The art on this one just makes me laugh!

Herbert Glerbett

Jack Prelutsky

Herbert Glerbett, rather round

swallowed sherbet by the pound.

fifty pounds of lemon sherbet

went inside of Herbert Glerbett.

With that glop inside his lap

Herbert Glerbett took a nap,

and as he slept, the boy dissolved,

and from the mess a thing evolved --

a thing that is a ghastly green, 

a thing the world had never seen,

a puddle thing, a gooey pile 

of something strange that does not smile.

Now if you're wise, and if you're sly 

you'll swiftly pass this creature by, 

it is no longer Herbert Glerbett, 

Whatever it is, do not disturb it.

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