Monday, September 30, 2024


When we went and purchased our tomato plants this spring, we also purchased some beet seeds.

April 27, 2024. Tomatoes and beets purchased.

We planted about half the seeds when planting the tomatoes, but we didn't really get any thing. A few leaves, but no beets, and not enough greens to even add to a salad. I never even took pics of them.

August 31, 2024. No beets yet!

On August 25th, after most of the heat had settled down for the season, we tried again, planting them in the pool garden. They should have germinated by September 11th.

September 12, 2024. Still no beets.

We didn't see them by then, but it had turned a little colder than anticipated, so we were patient.

September 22, 2024. Still nothing.

Another ten days and still nothing. 

September 27, 2024. I think the garden is done.

How long does one have to have patience? I think I'm not getting any beets. :(


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