Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Day 31

Today's challenge is:

Click to see bigger...

Final day! Hoppy Halloween Everyone!

Have fun with *your* drawing & don't forget to share through Simply Linked!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Day 30

Today's challenge is:
Dia de los Muertos

Click to see bigger...

Sugar Bun! My tribute to the day...

Have fun with *your* drawing & don't forget to share through Simply Linked!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Day 29

Today's challenge is:
Something That Keeps You Awake

Click to see bigger...

This one gives me the creeps for reals! Oh so many things I could have drawn -- bunny-related and not -- but *this* is what makes me turn all the lights on: the thoughts of someone or something creepy standing over me while I sleep... Ever since I was a little girl... *shiver*

Have fun with *your* drawing & don't forget to share through Simply Linked!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Day 28

Today is Monster Monday again and our challenge is:
A Monster from the Sea

Click to see bigger...

Octo-Bun! Ok, I don't even know. I think it's getting out of control now...

Have fun with *your* drawing & don't forget to share through Simply Linked!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

52-Week Photo Challenge: Week 9

Welcome to our NINTH week of photo challenges! Can you believe we made it through two months already!?

How did you all do with landscapes? I hope you had fun playing around with the prompt...

Truthfully, I *almost* forgot about the challenge this week! I took a few shots early in the week, but nothing I was enthused about. Then I took one last night that just made me smile so BIG!

This week our challenge is: CIRCLES

Click to embiggen!
We had a Halloween Revelry last night completely with games and costumes and jack-o-lantern pizza! Jacqueline did such a great job on them I took some photos and thought this one was JUST PERFECT for this weeks theme. What do you think?

So it's your turn now! Just like the square challenge, look around you as you go about your day for circles to be, or to frame, the focal point in your photo. Then share it with everyone at our flickr group!

And don't forget to sign up for the reminders via email!

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Day 27

Today's challenge is:

Click to see bigger...

I love how cute this one is! ^o^ Look at that leeddle tongue!

Have fun with *your* drawing & don't forget to share through Simply Linked!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Day 26

Today's challenge is:
A Creepy Family Portrait

Click to see bigger...

Well, it's not perfect, but it was fun! The scanner picks up weirdness in the markers and I need more practice with backgrounds!

Have fun with *your* drawing & don't forget to share through Simply Linked below!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Day 25

Today is Favorite Friday again and our challenge is:
Your Favorite Scary Movie

Click to see on black...

The 1942 version of Cat People always gives me chills... Simone Simon is so beautiful though!

Have fun with *your* drawing & don't forget to share through Simply Linked!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Day 24

It's THINGY THURSDAY! That means today's challenge is:
SomeTHING that goes BUMP in the night

Click to see bigger...

Oh yes, my THING is a BUNNY that goes THUMP! Actually pretty frightening to wake up to in the middle of the night...

Have fun with *your* drawing & don't forget to share through Simply Linked!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Day 23

Today's challenge is:

Click to see on larger...
Have fun with *your* drawing & don't forget to share through Simply Linked!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Day 21 RE-DRAW

Since I wasn't very happy with Day 21's Monster Under the Bed drawing, I decided to re-draw it today. I took my own photo ref and took my time... I like it much better.

Click to see larger...

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Day 22

Today's challenge is:
A Skeleton or Skull

Click to see on black...

OF COURSE I made a bunny! I really enjoy drawing these little guys and might just keep going with them when this Halloween Drawing Challenge is over... ^-^

Have fun with *your* drawing & don't forget to share through Simply Linked below!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Days 19-21

Thank you so much for your patience with my weekend off! I told you I'd be back today with the drawings from this weekend's prompts, and with a fresh one for today, and here I am!

Saturday's challenge was:
Still Life

Click to see on black...

And Sunday's challenge was:
A Gypsy Fortune Teller

Click to see on black...

Which bring us to today's challenge! For Monster Monday, draw:
The Monster Under the Bed

Click to see on black...

Please remember to have fun with *your* drawings & don't forget to share them through Simply Linked!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

52-Week Photo Challenge: Week 8

Hello again, my photo challengers!

So tell me about your animal shots!

Were able to find some wildlife or not-so-wild life through your viewfinder?

I saw some cute kitty pictures so far, but I know the animals have been scarce around here lately...

Anyway, our challenge this week is: LANDSCAPE

Head outside and find an interesting landscape to photograph. Try to avoid the hard midday sun; morning, late afternoon, and sunset make for some really gorgeous lighting. However, follow your own rules. This photo of mine was taken from the inside, right about noon. I just could not resist the absolutely perfect view of the playground.

Click to embiggen!

So let's see yours; share it with everyone at our flickr group! And don't forget to sign up for the reminders via email!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Photo Friday: Heavenly

Full Moon through the Trees

You MUST click through to view on black!

I love how it looks ensnared in the branches, and how icy it makes them look....

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Day 18

It's Favorite Friday again! Today's challenge is:

Click to see on black...

OMG I literally squee'd out loud when I finished this one... ^o^ I love the Creature from the Black Lagoon, and turning him into a bunny was so fun!

I hope you have as much fun with *your* drawing & don't forget to share through Simply Linked below!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Day 17

Today is THINGY THURSDAY! (I just love alliteration... ^-^)

Anyway, today our challenge is:
Something (or Someone) Frightened

Click to see on black...

I had a lot of fun with this! Do click through to see it on black; it's so cool! I tried a new technique of drawing darker where I wanted the lightest bits and erasing, or leaving spaces blank, where I wanted the darkest parts; then I used the Negative Image feature in PSP to reverse the black & white colors to get this! See, here's a photo of the drawing:

Click to see on black...

This isn't an emotion I often draw (it's not so cute); so this really was a challenge, but I like how it turned it out! Now you go have fun with *your* drawing & don't forget to share through Simply Linked below!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Day 16

Today's challenge is:

Click to see on black...

Russell Tovey from Being Human. Kinda. Clearly I need more practice & more patience when drawing realism. I messed up on his mouth an awful lot... LOL!

So show me *your* werewolf; share through Simply Linked below!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Day 15

Today's challenge is:

Click to see on black...

Could I make it any cuter? (Whoa, hate the new flickr "Photo Experience" and I can't stand how they *enhance* my images now! Grrr...)

Anywhooo, have fun with *your* drawing & don't forget to share through Simply Linked!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Day 14

It's Monster Monday! Today's challenge is:

Click to see on black...

Scary bunny with fangs & claws! *Hidesunderdesk*

Something is off in the face, and the limbs and tail are a bit wonky, and I am wishing I had given him bat-like wings, but it's a monster that flies! And good enough for today!

Have fun with *your* drawing & don't forget to share through Simply Linked!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

52-Week Photo Challenge: Week 7

Hello again, my photo challengers!

How did you find your ORANGE challenge? Difficult to capture or easy?

This week I was worried I wouldn't be able to get a photo for our challenge! Well, what is it, you ask?

Our challenge this week is: ANIMAL

Capture an animal in it's natural habitat with your lens. It doesn't have to be a wild animal; it could be your own cat asleep in a spot of sun on the dining room table, or your neighbor's nosy dog sniffing around your rose bushes.

Why did it give me problems? Well, our home is devoid of any pets at the moment, and I haven't been on the ball at snapping any photos of the "wildlife" around the yard; so I thought I'd be doing next week's prompt instead, but I lucked out!

Click to embiggen!

This kitty doesn't live here, but frequently comes to visit, sitting on our laps, begging for skritches, and generally purring and happifying all of us. He definitely has a home, as he's been fixed and doesn't seem skittish or mal-nourished in anyway. I am so glad he visits though, as I miss my own kitty quite a bit.

So let's see yours; what animals are in your area? Share your photo with everyone at our flickr group! And don't forget to sign up for the reminders via email!

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Day 13

Today's challenge is:

Click to see on black...

Oh yes, it's another scribbly thing... I <3 it!

Have fun with *your* drawing & don't forget to share through Simply Linked!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Day 12

Today's challenge is:
Fall Leaves

Click to see on black...

Oh the fun you can have with THIS prompt! I decided to maybe kinda cheat a little? I did a rubbing of some actual fall leaves from our yard. It was a fun change of pace for me and hopefully you can have fun with your drawing too!

Don't forget to share through Simply Linked!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Photo Friday: Lonesome


Click to view on black!

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Day 11

Have you noticed the themes yet? Today is Favorite Friday! So that means...

Today's challenge is:
Your Favorite Costume

Click to see on black...

Big surprise, mine is da bunneh! ^o^ All in purple, including the tutu!

Have fun with *your* drawing & don't forget to share through Simply Linked!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Day 10

Today's challenge is:

Click to see on black...

Perhaps you've already seen this? Things were pretty frustrating yesterday & Tuesday with my program deciding mid-way through my Wizard pic that gradients would be stripes instead, and then flickr being down & up & down & up, and I still have this stupid head-cold! Grrr! This drawing is my response to all that. Pretty scary, eh?

Now you go have fun with *your* drawing & don't forget to share through Simply Linked!

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Day 9

Today's challenge is:

Click to see on black...

SO many problems with this. I *hope* it looks better on your monitors than it does on mine.... >.<

Have fun with *your* drawing & don't forget to share through Simply Linked!


Between my cold, some odd computer issues, and flickr being down when I wanted to upload, today's drawing challenge is going to be late!

Please bear with me while I get things straightened out! (That means we get to growl like a bear at flickr & my computer until they act right for me, right!? Grrrr!)

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Day 8

Today's challenge is:

Click to see on black...

I drew a kawaii bat, a cute bat, a little brown bat... ^-^

What will *you* draw? Don't forget to share through Simply Linked!

Monday, October 07, 2013

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Day 7

Today's challenge is:
The Monster in the Closet

Click to see on black...

I was going to clean this up a bit, remove the eraser bits from the scanned page (anyone have any ideas on how to keep that from happening? I always seem to have them no matter how hard I try to keep them off it!), but I am too tired!

Have fun with *your* drawing & don't forget to share through Simply Linked!

Sunday, October 06, 2013

52-Week Photo Challenge: Week 6

Hello again!

How are you all doing with the challenges? Are you finding them too hard? Too easy? Are you needing a little more guidance? Are you having any technical difficulties? With taking your photos or with uploading them? Please feel free to ask any questions you might have! I'd be happy to help!

And remember, while I would LOVE for you to participate every week, I know Life happens and if you miss a week, don't feel like you can't do the next one until you've done the one you missed -- and the same goes if you're just discovering the challenge now -- just jump in right where you are!

This week, our challenge is: ORANGE

That's right, another color challenge! Orange is another seasonal color here in NY with the leaves and the pumpkins... So as with the yellow photo, find something orange and make it the focal point of your photo. Here's mine:

Click to embiggen!
I'll add a few others to the comment section on flickr, and although I did edit the other photos more extensively, on this one I just upped the contrast a bit! To get this blurred fore ground and background, I had a very long pile of pumpkins in front of me, and focused on a nice one near the middle. Then I squatted down, getting some the pumpkins in foreground of my image, and eliminating some people wandering around lower down in the background. >CLICK!< I love how it came out! So let's see yours; share it with everyone at our flickr group! And don't forget to sign up for the reminders via email!

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Day 6

Today's challenge is:
Black Cat

Click to see on black...

Just a scribbly little doodle I did while in class today... I was bored and tired and not feeling so good, so I kinda zoned out for a bit...

Have fun with *your* drawing & don't forget to share through Simply Linked!

Saturday, October 05, 2013

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Day 5

Today's challenge is:

Click to see on black...

A little editing to this one to add some color and deepen the darks. I just meant to do a sketchy quick one, as I worked all day then had guests in the evening, but I found some time to do more shading and try some fun erasing... I know my perspective is off and I can see a few other changes I would make, but this was kinda neat to do. I think I'll be revisiting the technique.

Have fun with *your* drawing & don't forget to share through Simply Linked!

Friday, October 04, 2013

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Day 19

Today's challenge is.... LATE! I know, I know!

The past few days have been INSANE, and today was no exception. I've just now finished my costume for a party tomorrow, and I've not even painted my nails yet! EEP!

So I will be taking the weekend off and will be posting 3 drawings for you on Monday morning.

If you yourself want to keep playing along, today's challenge is a Halloween- or Autumn-themed Still Life and tomorrow's will be aGypsy Fortune Teller!

Please have fun with your drawings and I'll be back on Monster Monday with those 2 drawings and something spooky for the day! ^o^

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Day 4

Today's challenge is:
Your Favorite Halloween Treat

Click to see on black...

I couldn't decide. So I drew them all, but I think I might have forgotten some... ^o^ Poor little bunny's gonna have a tummy ache! (Yes that's chocolate all over her paws & face, and a wad of cotton candy in her paw...)

I rushed on the coloring on this and am not 100% happy with it, but it's good enough! Tomorrow might not be so colorful!

Have fun with your drawing & don't forget to share through Simply Linked!

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Day 3

How is everyone doing? Any questions or comments? If you need any help, feel free to drop me a note!

Have fun with your drawing & don't forget to share through Simply Linked!

Today's challenge is:
Something Orange

Click to see on black...

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Day 2

I just want to let you all know, since I may not have made it clear, that you do not have to do a major fancy work of art. Just a simple 5-minute sketch, something to get you drawing, is all... So don't be scared to show off the roughest of your drawings!

And you can link to any place you're comfortable uploading your drawings to, flickr, deviantart, your blog... Mr. Linky doesn't care!

ETA: Looks like Mr. Linky won't allow more than one list, which definitely won't work for what we're doing here... Let's try Simply Linked!

Today's challenge is:

Click to see on black...

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Halloween Drawing Challenge: Day 1

Welcome to the first day of my 31-Day Halloween Drawing Challenge! I've got a few easy days planned, some hard days... but hopefully they'll ALL be fun creative days! Have fun with your drawing and don't forget to post your link with Mr. Linky below!

Our first challenge is:

Click to see on black...