I did a Photo Review of the year a few days before Christmas, and it was a blast to go back through all my pics and see all the awesome things we did this year...

Here's a list of those things, and more!
♥ January: Esme turned 16! Benji came to visit us every weekend! The sun came out a few times, and it's *so* very pretty on the snow...
♥ February: We celebrated Grandma Louise's 60th birthday! Esme went BLONDE! Lia turned 12! More Benji! The ice on the lake is so beautiful!
♥ March: The snow starts melting, the lake is accessible, and some early flowers start to bloom! I started to keep track of everything I ate, keeping calories and carbs to a minimum. Oh, and even MOAR BENJI!
♥ April: Emma graduated! Visiting far-away friends and relatives! (Road trip!) Family get-togethers! We finally get to dip our toes in the lake! All the spring flowers in the garden bloom at once!
♥ May: PILEATED WOODPECKER! Passed Earth & Space Science! Indigo Bunting! A weekend away from home enjoying my sweetie (and cinnamon buns) and Lake Ontario from a different angle! Actual SWIMMING in the lake!
♥ June: Braids, bugs, watercolors! I went blonde! And PURPLE! SHINE! GAY PRIDE! Evenings at the lake! Visits from Mommy! Fairy Day Tea Parties! Bunnies in the yard and FRESH berries! Making new friends!
♥ July: Birthdays galore! Ant turned 18, Josie turned 14, I turned 40! We also celebrated Emma's and my mom's birthdays! AND Emma & Scott got married! Cake, cake and RAI NBOW cake! Fireworks from the lake! New Love! Mermaid hair! I reach my goal to weigh less than 200 lbs. by my birthday!
♥ August: Passion! Play! Visiting friends & relatives (not so far-away)! Dry ice experiments! Baby turkeys, bunnies, and snakes! Swimming in the rain! Benji's birthday! (OMG He turned 1 already!?) Strange new candy!
♥ September: Big waves to swim in! Barbecues with family! High school football games! Belly dancers! Autumn begins, but summer hangs on! We joined May Memorial UU! Sun Halos!
♥ October: Sugar skulls! Flowers in my hair! Pumpkinfest! Bobbing for apples! Bursts of creativity! The COLORS! Family Olympics! Cake, cupcake, and monster cupcakes! Family photoshoots! Trip to ARGH! Hotel swimming pools and hot tubs, cinnamon buns!
♥ November: More ARGH! Appalachian trail! Climbing higher than ever before! GOOD BRAKES! Talented people! Crows! Frosty mornings! We celebrated my dad's birthday with a special dinner! Happy books! Gingerbread marshmallows... in coffee! Rainbow marshmallows! Thanksgiving traditions!
♥ December: The first snow! OMG! Am I the last person on the planet to discover Glee! Thank heavens for the internet! Christmas parties! Christmas, Christmas, Christmas! Parties, parties, parties! Pulling closer to friends & family...
May 2011 be as fun and blessed for you as 2010 was for me!

Things I Love Thursday is brought to you by Gala Darling...
What a great idea to do a photo review of the year!!! Loved it!!! Have a wonderful new year!!!