Sunday, January 26, 2014

52-Week Photo Challenge: Week 22

So how did you all do with last week's RECTANGLE challenge?

Don't forget to upload your photos to flickr and share them with our flickr group so we can help each other grow more creatively!

This week, our challenge is:
Just like with our other color challenges, take a look around you during the week for things that are the color white and find a creative way to photograph them. Perhaps like our area, everything outside is covered with snow or ice, or maybe you have a black cat with a little white spot, maybe someone around you this week will have a birthday with a gorgeous white coconut cake. Whatever you find to photograph, don't forget to share it here:

Click to embiggen!
What do you think of this? I love the reflection of the paper snowflake and that gorgeous frost on the outer window! (Maybe that will be next week's theme... ~_^)

So let's see yours; share it with everyone at our flickr group! And don't forget to sign up for the reminders via email!

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